Guidelines & Restrictions

Students should have an adult supervisor when working on their project. This may be a parent or guardian, a teacher, or a laboratory supervisor. The adult supervisor should read the student’s plan and understand all safety requirements.  Adult supervisors take responsibility for the safety of the student(s) and any possible participants.

Senior Division Students that are interested in competing at a regional level are encouraged to follow the rules and guidelines listed at the following website.

Physical Exhibit Size

  • Depth 30 inches (76 centimeters)
  • Width 48 inches (122 centimeters)
  • Height 60 inches (152 cm)


The following items may not be displayed at the fair:

  • Animals NOTE: Because of the many issues involved with animal experimentation, projects involving the use of vertebrate animals are strongly discouraged. Any project involving vertebrates must follow proper protocol for animal research. No animals may be harmed or destroyed for your project. The captivity of wild animals is not permitted.
  • Bacterial cultures and/or pathogens
  • All Hazardous chemicals or explosives and/or devices
  • Controlled substances
  • No living organisms, plants or animals
  • Taxidermy specimens or parts
  • Human/animal parts or body fluid (blood, urine)
  • Plant materials (living, dead or preserved)
  • Chemicals
  • Dry Ice
  • Flames or highly flammable materials
  • Batteries with open-top cells
  • Awards, medals, business cards, endorsements
  • Photographs or visual presentations depicting vertebrate animals in surgical techniques, dissections, necropsies, or lab procedures.

PLEASE NOTE!!!  Consumer Products/Testing is ONLY a category for Elementary Division students.   

Example #1:  What removes stains best? – Clorox Bleach or Spray n Wash (This is ONLY admissible for elementary students.)

Example #2:  Why does Stain Stick remove stains? – A chemical enzyme breaks down proteins such as blood so they can be removed.  (This IS admissible in all divisions, since it can be a chemistry experiment.)

Demonstration Projects that show or explain “how something works“ are NOT accepted at the Northern Utah Homeschool Science Fair.  

What interests you about your demonstration project? Can you channel your interest into a Science, Engineering, or Product Testing project? A demonstration often can be turned into an experimental project by asking how something (another factor) affects the functioning of the item. Also, if you like to build things, a demonstration might become an engineering project.